Embark on a journey into the depths of Shadows & Riches, a unique card game reminiscent of Card Crawl. Assume the role of the Flame-Knight, engaging in brutal showdowns against goblins, fire-breathing dragons, and various adversaries with a meticulously crafted 54-card deck. Your strategic prowess is the key to survival, while triumph brings opulence that unlocks unparalleled abilities. Can you conquer the murky abyss in search of immeasurable wealth?
Employ resources to draw cards and vanquish foes until the deck is depleted. With each turn, fresh cards fill the dashboard's four slots. Outfit your hands and backpack with resource cards, then confront adversaries by casting potent spells, enduring direct assaults, or deploying shields to dampen the impact. As you progress, collect treasures and employ accumulated gold to unlock advanced Capability Cards.